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Message To My Clients


                               As your therapist, I will assist you in deepening your self-awareness, identifying and                                               changing unhelpful thinking, processing and understanding your feelings, and teaching                                       you healthy coping skills to enhance your relationship with others and yourself.  My job is                                     to help you make sense of your own experiences and integrate truthful narratives into your                                 life.  I use a variety of techniques tailored to your individual needs and preferences.  Through self-reflection, skill building, and emotional processing, I can help you manage your feelings, improve your mental well-being, and build meaningful relationships in your life.

At the heart of my psychotherapy practice is the therapeutic relationship between my clients and me.  I believe that a strong compassionate relationship built on trust and empathy is essential for effective therapy.  In therapy you will experience many different feelings and stages of growth; at times you may cry, you may laugh, you may feel like quitting, and you may feel like you're growing by leaps and bounds.  I can assure you that each stage and every feeling is valid and needed for your progress.  I will be your encouragement, hope, challenger, and motivator.  We may not always agree and that's ok; in my office, you can ask any question and tell me anything on your mind. You can expect me to be kind, listen to your perspective, and work with you to provide relief to your concerns. My office is an inviting place where every single part of you is welcome, even the parts that are uncomfortable to share.

Therapy begins the moment you sign your consent forms and set up your client portal.  From there we'll set up your first appointment where together, we will establish your treatment goals and get to know each other.  You will know you're making progress as you experience each of your treatment goals being accomplished.  

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